¿Quién está sintiendo en el Alma esa ansiedad de encumbrarse de vez por los aires y elevarse alto?
Exactamente eso es lo que la Tierra está haciendo y nos está pidiendo a cada uno que la sigamos por ese trance intergaláctico.
Fantasía es lo que algunos a través de los siglos han intentado construir artificialmente a punta de condicionamientos generacionales, bajo el establecimiento metódico de una maquinaria financiera, política y social, en ese mismo orden. Para quienes a lo largo de las eras han ido aprendiendo a despojarse de los filtros que opacan la percepción real de la "mente divina", saben lo que estas palabras esculpen y hacia donde se dirigen; lo saben intuitivamente, porque ellos también han venido a cooperar, cada quien a su manera, en este emprendimiento asombroso de reencausar las energías por sus vías naturales.
Muchos ahora participan y a medida que esa mayoría, hipnotizada por los anzuelos ilusorios de la "verdadera fantasía", por esos inalcanzables castillos de oro, ninfas siliconadas e imperios de menguadas grandezas, vayan despertando paulatinamente, la visión distorsionada de su alrededor y de si mismos, resquebraja y transmuta.
No es más el momento de la ignorancia, de huir bajo el despótico y vehemente "no sé", "no me interesa", "no me importa", ... En estos momentos de gran decisión para absolutamente todos, es necesario revelar el alma y el espiritu que subyace por debajo del cútis y de la caparazón, es el instante en que todas las verdades se están "revelando" a nuestros alrededores, por doquier. Aquellos/as que solían esconderse en los intersticios de la ambigüedad, la contradicción, la oscilación permanente entre dos mundos están develando el verdadero leit motiv de su existencia. Todos y cada uno de nosotros estamos pasando por este trance "sobrenatural". Ya no se puede esconder más nada. Y en sociedades acostumbradas al exclusivismo e individualismo extremos, donde se reverencia la privacidad a manera de una deidad aparte, este formato desproporcionado de concebir la existencia comienza a ganar tonalidades insospechadas y atemoriza. Y, a medida que esos que siempre se han dado modos para esconder las mezquinas intenciones, intentan por la obstinación y la terquedad desmedida, proseguir por tales senderos, la vida como nunca está devolviendo instantáneamente las propias dádivas empleadas. Es evidente el descontrol entre los que siempre se asieron a las tretas del dominio. Lo ven y perciben, aunque pretenden no hacerlo y aún lo justifican con orquestaciones y fanfarria exuberante. Está sucediendo en todas partes, en todos los continentes. Y todavía viene muchísimo más. Ensordecidos por sus propias Hidras y Quimeras, estas personalidades difícilmente quieren renunciar a su fatídico desenlace. En tal suplicio, intentan amordazar a las poblaciones con mayores niveles de estrés y desequilibrio, instigándolas con el temor y sus propios deslices, pues son maestros de estos artificios.
Son esos quienes propagan con astucia el descreimiento del ser humano en el ser humano, lo adosan con el "fatídico sendero" que el futuro les depara a través de la sobrepoblación, la hambruna, las guerras, el desempleo, el caos, las pandemias y las catástrofes medioambientales. Una sobredosis de tretas muy bien hilvanadas por "think tankers" en los bunkers de las "fantasías" del hiper intelectualismo y racionalismo, donde el ser humano se ha vuelto una mera mercancía, medida y estandarizada bajo tablas y fórmulas macroeconómicas y sociales...
Ciertamente, nunca será así. Los padrones son simplemente utensilios que pueden servir de guía al trabajo personal, nunca determinarlo sin un acuerdo de partes. Y es así, que mientras más y más humanos consigan llegar al umbral de si mismos, esa línea tenue que delimita las verdades naturales de las creadas, y comiencen a percibir que el poder personal no reside más allá de ellos/as mismos/as -dejando de creer finalmente en promesas y beldades que provienen de la desidia, la conformidad y el abandono para que otro u otros cumplan el propio papel-, entonces, esas ilusiones impuestas por el cerebro "mezquino" (ése que proteje unas cuantas pocas neuronas, sin conectarse ni formar sinapsis con toda esa hiperrealidad neuronal que le circunda) irán perdiendo fuerza y vigor, hasta que los estratos más elevados de existencia comiencen a tomar formas más evidentes y notorias para el hábito perceptivo de hombres y mujeres. Esto es muy obvio para quienes ya mantienen un alto grado de conexión entre si mismos y su entorno; éstos bien saben los trucos y las formas que estas fuerzas pueden llegar a emular en su deseo y ansias de continuar alimentándose de las energías humanas.
La Tierra es parte de un sistema pleno de abundancia y responde a tal llamado. Creer que ella está supeditada sólo a ciertos parámetros y etiquetas de tal o cual tipo, es cerrarse a sus múltiples manifestaciones naturales. La manifestación "económica" de la misma ha sido simplemente una mera creación, muy buena a medida que cumpla una función de intercambio energético en el plano material. Ya cuando tales fines comienzan a ser tergiversados en favor de consignas "mezquinas", el acuerdo fenece y las fuerzas del equilibrio -en sus múltiples formas, llamese humana, animal, terrestre y cósmica- irán tomando las riendas del juego hasta normalizar el flujo energético en todos los niveles. Esto es esencial en el equilibrio, conservación y funcionamiento de los planos de existencia.
Decir que no se puede hacer nada para equilibrar este "estado de cosas" es no creer en la gran fuerza que yace en cada uno y en sus múltiples manifestaciones y reflejos de la fuerza, que cada quien vino "aquí" para representar y poner en práctica. Muchos sólo se han dedicado a poner en práctica las jugarretas ajenas y se han olvidado de si mismos. El momento es ahora.
Pásenla muy bien y aprovechemos este regio lugar e instante de abundancia!
(English version)
Who`s sensing very deep inside that anxious impulse of soaring high across the sky?
That is exactly what Mother Earth is just doing and is asking each one of us to follow her in this intergalactic journey.
Fantasy is what some individuals have been artificially trying to do over the centuries by conditioning entire generations under the methodic and scientific establishment of a whole financial, political and social machinery, respectively. For those who have eventually learned to free themselves from a whole set of personal and social filters which fuzz the “divine perception”, they know the meaning of these words and its direction; they know that intuitively for they have also come to cooperate, each one his/her own way, on this wondrous enterprise of putting the energies back to their natural path.
Many are nowadays participating and the mass, lured by the illusions of the “real fantasy” (e.g.: unreachable gold castles, sillicon nymphs and little empires of grandiosity, etc.) will gradually awake; thus, the distorted vision of and around themselves will also break and transform.
It is no more the time for ignorance, for fleeing away while saying “I don`t know”, “It is not of my business”, “so what”… At this time of great decisions to us all, it is necessary to unravel the Soul and Spirit which underlay right under the skin and the shell, this is the time for all the “truths” to get revealed all around. Those who used to get hidden in the shades of ambiguity, contradiction and the permanent oscilation of dualism are now showing their real face. We all are going through this “supernatural” experience. Nothing can`t be hidden anymore. And in societies used to exclusivity and the reverence of individuality as being a god apart, this new living mode is simply feared. Furthermore, those ones who normally managed to get away with their own mean goals and hidden intentions trying to proceed along those stubborn paths, life as never before is instantly paying back all gifts delivered. Those can perceive it but still pretend not to know anything about such consequences. So, lost in their own “fantasies” they still want to inflict more stress and unbalance levels upon the people of the planet, by spreading fear and its effects for they are masters of such delusions.
Those are the ones who usually praise no trustworthiness among human beings, showing publicly the “deadly path” that awaits him/her in the future due to overpopulation, hunger, warfare, scarcity, chaos, catastrophes… A tricky overdose well elaborated by “think tankers” in the bunkers of hiper-intellectualism and rationalism fantasy, where the human being has just become a product, measured and standarized under scientific, macroeconomic and social charts and formulas…
Certainly, it won`t never be like that. Patterns are simply tools that may serve as guides for personal tasks. They do not determine anything without previous mutual agreement. So, as more and more humans come to the inner doorway of self-understanding, that subtle line that devides natural truths from the created ones and come to the realization that personal power does not dwell beyond themselves –believing no more the promises that come from indifference, conformity and self abandonment for someone else to take care of-, then those illusions imposed by the “limited brain” (that which protects quite a few neurons avoiding connection with a whole spectrum of reality through the building of further neuronal connections) will end up losing strength and vitality, until more elevated levels of energy begin to take more obvious shape for the habitual perception of the human mind. This is more evident for the ones who have developed a higher degree of connection with thenselves and their surroundings (…)
Earth is part of a system full of abundance and follows that call. Believing that it is controlled only by certain parameters and labels, it is just narrowing its multiple natural manifestations. "Economy" has only been a creation, a good one, which could fulfill an energetic exchange on the material level. When the original purpose becomes twisted through the wrong use of it, the agreement is broken and the balancing forces in play –human, animal, earthly, cosmic- will gradually take charge of the game to normalize back the flux of energy in all levels of the living system. This is essential for the balance, conservation and survival of the different levels of existance.
By saying that we cannot do anything to balance “this ongoing state of things” is not believing in one`s strength and in the different manifestations and reflections of that same “Energy” everyone came here to express, even though some people have just put in practice other people`s expressions and not their own forgetting about themselves. The moment is now to claim back that force.
Have a great time and take advantage of this wonderful and abundant place and instant!
(English version)
Who`s sensing very deep inside that anxious impulse of soaring high across the sky?
That is exactly what Mother Earth is just doing and is asking each one of us to follow her in this intergalactic journey.
Fantasy is what some individuals have been artificially trying to do over the centuries by conditioning entire generations under the methodic and scientific establishment of a whole financial, political and social machinery, respectively. For those who have eventually learned to free themselves from a whole set of personal and social filters which fuzz the “divine perception”, they know the meaning of these words and its direction; they know that intuitively for they have also come to cooperate, each one his/her own way, on this wondrous enterprise of putting the energies back to their natural path.
Many are nowadays participating and the mass, lured by the illusions of the “real fantasy” (e.g.: unreachable gold castles, sillicon nymphs and little empires of grandiosity, etc.) will gradually awake; thus, the distorted vision of and around themselves will also break and transform.
It is no more the time for ignorance, for fleeing away while saying “I don`t know”, “It is not of my business”, “so what”… At this time of great decisions to us all, it is necessary to unravel the Soul and Spirit which underlay right under the skin and the shell, this is the time for all the “truths” to get revealed all around. Those who used to get hidden in the shades of ambiguity, contradiction and the permanent oscilation of dualism are now showing their real face. We all are going through this “supernatural” experience. Nothing can`t be hidden anymore. And in societies used to exclusivity and the reverence of individuality as being a god apart, this new living mode is simply feared. Furthermore, those ones who normally managed to get away with their own mean goals and hidden intentions trying to proceed along those stubborn paths, life as never before is instantly paying back all gifts delivered. Those can perceive it but still pretend not to know anything about such consequences. So, lost in their own “fantasies” they still want to inflict more stress and unbalance levels upon the people of the planet, by spreading fear and its effects for they are masters of such delusions.
Those are the ones who usually praise no trustworthiness among human beings, showing publicly the “deadly path” that awaits him/her in the future due to overpopulation, hunger, warfare, scarcity, chaos, catastrophes… A tricky overdose well elaborated by “think tankers” in the bunkers of hiper-intellectualism and rationalism fantasy, where the human being has just become a product, measured and standarized under scientific, macroeconomic and social charts and formulas…
Certainly, it won`t never be like that. Patterns are simply tools that may serve as guides for personal tasks. They do not determine anything without previous mutual agreement. So, as more and more humans come to the inner doorway of self-understanding, that subtle line that devides natural truths from the created ones and come to the realization that personal power does not dwell beyond themselves –believing no more the promises that come from indifference, conformity and self abandonment for someone else to take care of-, then those illusions imposed by the “limited brain” (that which protects quite a few neurons avoiding connection with a whole spectrum of reality through the building of further neuronal connections) will end up losing strength and vitality, until more elevated levels of energy begin to take more obvious shape for the habitual perception of the human mind. This is more evident for the ones who have developed a higher degree of connection with thenselves and their surroundings (…)
Earth is part of a system full of abundance and follows that call. Believing that it is controlled only by certain parameters and labels, it is just narrowing its multiple natural manifestations. "Economy" has only been a creation, a good one, which could fulfill an energetic exchange on the material level. When the original purpose becomes twisted through the wrong use of it, the agreement is broken and the balancing forces in play –human, animal, earthly, cosmic- will gradually take charge of the game to normalize back the flux of energy in all levels of the living system. This is essential for the balance, conservation and survival of the different levels of existance.
By saying that we cannot do anything to balance “this ongoing state of things” is not believing in one`s strength and in the different manifestations and reflections of that same “Energy” everyone came here to express, even though some people have just put in practice other people`s expressions and not their own forgetting about themselves. The moment is now to claim back that force.
Have a great time and take advantage of this wonderful and abundant place and instant!